
Viewing posts for the category GeoNode

A step forward in Kartoza's QGIS and GeoNode Training

Posted by: Amy Burness | in Education, GeoNode, QGIS | 3 years, 9 months ago | 0 comments

Learning online has become an essential part of education globally. Kartoza has answered the call for up-to-date, engaging and dynamic teaching material by updating our QGIS and GeoNode teaching platforms. Kartoza uses our open source 'changelog' platform, that allows for continual updates and customisation of material to deliver cutting-edge training. 

FOSS4G 2019 and QGIS in Bucharest

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in Conference, FOSSGIS, GRASS GIS, GeoNode, GeoServer, Leaflet, PostGIS, Python, QGIS | 5 years, 5 months ago | 0 comments

Open source GIS is alive and well and continues to grow in leaps and bounds around the world. Why so many Government entities in South Africa continue paying a fortune of tax-payers money for privative GIS and database software beats me, when wealthy, developed countries (as in most of Europe, for example) saw the light years ago and enthusiastically embrace FOSS.

QGIS, InaSAFE, OpenStreetMap, and GeoNode in Understanding Risk 2018

Posted by: Ismail Sunni | in Conference, GeoNode, InaSAFE, QGIS | 6 years, 9 months ago | 0 comments

Kartoza at GeoNode Summit 2016

Posted by: Tim Sutton | in GeoNode | 8 years, 3 months ago | 0 comments

Four of the Kartoza team (Tim, Etienne, Ismail and Rizky) attended the GeoNode Summit in Rome held in November 2016. The World Food Programme provided the venue for the event and our attendance was funded by the WorldBank/GFDRR. The event was a really great opportunity to interact with the GeoNode community. We used the opportunity to learn about the upcoming plans for GeoNode and discuss some of our own plans. 

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