Kartoza at GeoNode Summit 2016
Posted by: Tim Sutton | in GeoNode | 8 years, 3 months ago | 0 comments

Four of the Kartoza team (Tim, Etienne, Ismail and Rizky) attended the GeoNode Summit in Rome held in November 2016. The World Food Programme provided the venue for the event and our attendance was funded by the WorldBank/GFDRR. The event was a really great opportunity to interact with the GeoNode community. We used the opportunity to learn about the upcoming plans for GeoNode and discuss some of our own plans. 

Photo courtesy Jeff Johnson

Above: Around 40 attendees were at the GeoNode summit.

Etienne Trimaille gave a talk on QGIS Server integration into GeoNode here:

And Rizky Maulana gave a talk about integrating InaSAFE with GeoNode here:

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