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Nodeenv: How to install nodejs in a python virtualenv

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | 10 years, 6 months ago | 2 comments

Here at Kartoza, working in python virtual environments is our default modus operandi when embarking on any python development. For some time we have been enjoying yuglify, tilemill and other node.js based applications as part of our workflow, and early on in my use of these technologies I discovered nodeenv - mainly because I had been bitten on the ass by different node applications on the same host expecting to have different versions of node.js. Nodeenv provides a python virtualenv like environment for sandboxing your node applications so that each can run under its own discrete version of node.js. It operates very much like python virtualenv does and in fact it requires virtualenv so for pythonistas it is a very good fit! In this article I document the steps needed to get node running under such an environment.

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